Did you know there’s a free Roku Mobile app that’s available on both iOS and Android?
With this great little app, you can control both your Roku streaming player and Roku TV.
In addition to this, Roku has also allowed third-party developers to create apps that can control Roku devices, so there’s a whole world of apps out there to enhance your viewing experience.
How Does It Work?
For the Roku app to work and control your Roku device, firstly both your Roku streaming player and your phone or tablet running the app must both be connected to the same wireless network.
Secondly, your Roku device must be permitted to accept commands over your home Wi-Fi network.
You can do this by using the External Control settings found on your Roku device.
If this feature is switched off, no apps will work with your device.
So you must ensure this feature is fully activated before continuing.
How to Manage External Controls
To enable External Control on your Roku device, you need to go to the Setting menu, by carrying out the following:
- With both your TV and Roku device switched on, press the Home button on your Roku remote control.
- Now, select Settings and then System, followed by Advanced System Settings.
- Then select External Control and lastly, Network Access.
- Then choose from one of the three setting options show:
a) Default
Suitable for most users who simple want to use the Roku Mobile app or a third party app to control their Roku device.
b) Permissive
Recommended for users who want to use the Roku Mobile app or a third party app to control their Roku device who happen to be connected to an unsecure or publicly accessible network.
c) Disable
For users who do not wish to use the Roku Moble app or any third party apps and want to restrict its use completely.