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Latest Sky card design

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The latest Sky card design was released a couple of months ago, it is mainly white and off white in colour, with the simple transparent Sky logo as it’s centerpiece.It is an improvement from the older Sky card, which was in the age old dark blue of the Sky software theme. Much more simplistic at least.

I think there is a reason Sky made the design so simplistic, I think it was tied into the fact that the new Sky card was to replace every one’s current blue Sky card, and they had to do the card swap proceed themselves, Sky knew that this was going to be difficult as many people raise the question “Why should we have to do anything ourselves, that’s what we pay sky for!”

Therefore Sky had to make the process as simple as possible, and I believe this is evident in the design of the new Sky card, rather than being all colourful and graphical, Sky made the choice to leave it bland yet attractive so subconsciously people would register that the card swap process was a simple (no big deal) process.

I reckon that it’s going to be a while before Sky change the card again, because of the mentioned complexities of the process, anyway it’s more likely the entire Sky technology will change by then and Sky cards will become obsolete.
